Dubai, a city renowned for its extravagant lifestyle, vast desert, and skyscrapers, has become a dream city for everyone. People all around the world dream of settling in this elite city, and with that, the Dubai government has introduced various types of visas that attract many people to come and reside in this city.


Be it a student, businessman, or housewife, this popular destination is becoming a home to many. And even you would have dreamed of settling in this sophisticated and luxurious city.

This article will guide you through the Dubai residence visa, its types, and all the important things that are required for this visa. 


What are the Requirements for a Dubai Residence Visa?

A Dubai residence visa is a type of document that allows foreigners to live in this city for a long period of time. Depending on the type, the duration of the visa is valid for 1 to 10 years. The requirements for this visa are as follows: 


  1. Original Passport: You must submit your original passport with a minimum validity of 6 months.


  1. Sponsor Letter: This is one of the important documents. Whether you are going to be an employee or student, or just for your own reasons, you will need a sponsor letter from a university, company, or any relative living in Dubai. 


  1. Medical Test: You have to undergo a health screening medical test so that the government of Dubai will know if you have any health problems. The screening process includes blood tests, chest X-rays, and HIV tests.


  1. Certificate of Good Conduct: This certificate gives proof that you don’t have any criminal history or any bad reputation. A good conduct certificate is issued by the police of your own home country. 


  1. Health Insurance Policy: A health insurance policy approved by the DCCA (Dubai Creative Clusters Authority) is mandatory to submit and will cover all your medical expenses in Dubai.


  1. Application of Emirates ID: Emirates ID is a national identification document for all the citizens of Dubai. Through the Emirates Identity Authority, you need to apply for this official identity document for Dubai.


  1. Deposit: For certain types of Dubai residence visas, like family visas, you need to deposit a certain amount in any bank in Dubai to get the visa. This amount may vary depending on the type of visa.


  1. Birth/ Marriage Certificate: If you are going as an individual, you need to submit your birth certificate to get a residence visa, and if you are going with your family or husband along with a birth certificate, you need to submit a marriage certificate.


  1. Entry Visa: You need to get an entry visa, which works like a permit to enter Dubai, before applying for a residence visa. 


  1. Residence Visa Application Form: A filled-out application form for a Dubai residence visa, along with identity proof and all the necessary documents, is required to be submitted. 


Types of Dubai Residence Visa

The government of Dubai offers different types of residence visas as per individuals’ needs and preferences. The following are the types of Dubai residence visas: 


  1. Student Visa: A student visa is valid for three years and can be renewed. This visa is for students who wish to enrol in their studies at any college or university in Dubai. A specific rank of grade, or GPA, is required to obtain this visa.


  1. Employment Visa: An employment visa allows an individual to legally work and live in Dubai. This visa is obtained by a person who is employed by any company or organisation within Dubai. A sponsor letter from the company is required to get this visa.


  1. Golden Visa: A Golden visa is a residency permit for professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs who plan to settle in Dubai for a long period. This visa comes with two-time frames of validity, one of five years and the other of ten years. 


  1. Remote Work Visa: This visa gives foreigners the freedom to live in Dubai and work remotely for up to one year of the period. This visa is also known as a nomad visa, as it allows digital nomads to work virtually from Dubai. 


  1. Retirement Visa: The applicant must be at least 55 years old or older to be eligible for this visa. This visa allows people within this age category to stay in Dubai and enjoy a retired life, but they must have financial savings and proof stating they have worked for 15 years. 


  1. Family Visa: A family visa is for an individual whose family resides in Dubai and wants to join them. For this type of visa, a person needs a sponsor letter from their family. This visa is valid for up to 3 years and can be renewed. 


  1. Green Visa: A green visa allows self-employed, freelancers, investors, or any employee to stay in Dubai and work. For this visa, a sponsor letter is not required, and it validates for 5 years and can be renewed. 


How to Apply for a Dubai Residence Visa?

Below are the steps that need to be followed to apply for a Dubai Residence Visa: 


  1. Choose Visa Type:  As per your need and purpose to stay, you need to get full knowledge about that particular visa type and then choose the one that will suit your reasons for staying in Dubai.


  1. Online Registration: You need to visit the official government website of the UAE and register yourself on that online portal.


  1. Visa Application Form: After registration, you need to fill out the residence visa application form carefully by reading all the instructions and terms. 


  1. Upload Important Documents: After filling out the form, you need to scan and upload all the important and necessary documents along with your identity proof to the application form.


  1. Pay Visa Fees: You need to pay visa charges online to complete the whole application process. The amount depends on the type of visa you have selected. 


  1. Get Approval from DCCA: Your visa application needs to get approved by the Dubai Creative Clusters Authority. The process of approval might take a few days or even a week. Once it gets approved, you will receive a letter or a call. 



A Dubai residence visa is a gateway to experiencing many beautiful things in this city and grabbing all the opportunities to turn your dream into reality. The whole process of obtaining a visa is very simple, but all you need to do is select the right visa type and complete each step carefully. Once this process is done properly, Dubai waits for you and has millions of things to offer you.